
This page shows more clearly in a Typefaces for dyslexia pdf file (Thanks to the visitor who pointed out that the fonts needed to be embedded )



  This page shows more clearly in a Typefaces for dyslexia pdf file. (Thanks to the visitor who pointed out that the fonts needed to be embedded.)

  The designers below found that dyslexic readers liked:
  Good ascenders and descenders,
  b, d, f, h, k, l, t, and all capitals; g, j, p, q, y.
  b and d; p and q distinguished, not mirror images.
  Different forms for capital I, lowercase l and digit 1.
  Rounded g as in handwriting. Most liked rounded a, although perhaps some felt that it may be confused with o.
  Letter-spacing, e.g. r, n together rn should not look like m,
  (‘modern’ may scan as, or sound like, ‘modem’.)



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